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CR Pharma Releases Sustainable Development Report 2016

Press time:2017-06-19From:華潤醫(yī)藥 [Font:BigMediumSmall]

On June 16th, China Resources Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (CR Pharma) published its Sustainable Development Report 2016 on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. This is the fifth consecutive year that CR Pharma has compiled a sustainable development report since 2013. 

The theme of this year’s report continues to be “Hold hand for love and health”. The report illustrates in fine and vivid detail in social responsibility performance and results of CR Pharma in 2016 in seven main aspects: responsibility management, shareholder responsibility, employee responsibility, customer responsibility, environment responsibility, partner responsibility and community responsibility. The report presents that CR Pharma’s efforts in strengthen responsibility management, responsibility practice promotion, social responsibility and development strategy implementation, enterprise culture integration and the pursuit of a harmonious coexistence and win-win development with stakeholders.  

As a company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, CR Pharma published its sustainable development report on the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for the first time this year under guidelines of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. on Environmental, Social and Governance Report (HK-ESG). CR Pharma’ subsidiaries CR Pharmaceutical Commercial Group, CR Sanjiu, CR Double-Crane and Dong-E-E-Jiao have released sustainable development report 2016 independently.  

For the full version of the CR Pharma Sustainable Development Report 2016, please click: http://bj-qcppw.com/EN/sr/Charity/
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