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Remaining Committed to Charity - The CR Healthy Village Program Keeping up the Good Work

Press time:2021-09-17From:CR Pharma [Font:BigMediumSmall]

The meeting for wrapping up the CR Healthy Village Program with the theme of Boosting Primary-Level Medical Services and Supporting Rural Revitalization was held in Beijing on September 17. Leaders from the China Womens Development Foundation, CR Pharmaceutical and its subsidiaries, including CR Pharmaceutical Commerce, CR Sanjiu, CR Double-Crane, CR Jiangzhong, Dong-E-E-Jiao, CR Zizhu, CR Biopharmaceutical, Boya Bio-pharmaceutical, and CR Healthcare, attended the meeting.  

In response to the Healthy China initiative and the rural revitalization strategy, CR Pharmaceutical launched the CR Healthy Village Program together with the China Womens Development Foundation in September 2020, aiming to further improve rural medical conditions, offering better health services to key populations, and improve the health of women and children.   

Over the past year, the program has remained true to the mission of improving primary medical services and enabling people in rural areas to live healthier lives.” By focusing on medical needs at the primary level, and continuously optimizing the project model, the program has initially formed the five-sphere integrated strategic goal, namely, establishing a team of experts to guide rural doctors, developing a training curriculum suitable for rural doctors, building an interconnected and sustainable learning platform, creating a series of practical skills training models for rural doctors, and developing a model for supporting county-level hospitals. 

The program, which has been launched in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, and remote areas in Yunnan, Ningxia, Guizhou, Shaanxi, and Fujian, has established a county-township-village three-tier coordination system, and also achieved initial results in strengthening public health and developing the service demonstration system at the primary level with support from the national, provincial, county, and village levels. Up to now, the program has conducted 167 online training sessions, 7 remote guidance meetings, and 4 offline training sessions, and aided in the construction of 11 rural clinics, benefiting more than 2 million rural doctors. 

Zhen Yan, former Vice President and Secretary of the Secretariat of the All-China Womens Federation (ACWF), and Secretary-General of the China Womens Development Foundation (CWDF), spoke highly of the results of the program. She pointed out that the program made people living in rural areas feel the care from society and the strength of the socialist system. Ms. Zhen also made several suggestions for the development of the program in 2021, the year which marks the start of the 14th Five-Year Plan. She hoped that the project would keep a scientific and rigorous attitude, continue to be pragmatic, efficient, and professional, and carry on its brand building and risk control efforts. She hoped that the project could make outstanding contributions to rural revitalization and the Healthy China initiative in the future. 

Han Yuewei, CEO of CR Pharmaceutical, mentioned that those who work at CR Pharmaceutical have always regarded charity as a long-term commitment and goal. Its commitment to social responsibility embodies CR Pharmaceuticals mission of Protecting Human Health and Improving Quality of Life. Over the past year, the program has achieved remarkable results around the five-sphere integrated strategic goal. Next, it will upgrade its concept, value, and platform based on its long-term planning, and contribute CR Pharmaceuticals wisdom and strength to rural revitalization and the Healthy China initiative, thereby creating a better life for more people in China. 

Representatives from the Department of Primary Health of the National Health Commission of the Peoples Republic of China, representatives of experts involved in the program, and representatives from both the hospitals offering assistance and the assisted hospitals delivered speeches at the meeting.  

The program also awarded 10 doctors the honorary title of outstanding village medical trainees, encouraging them to continue their efforts to protect the health of local villagers. 

The music video of the theme song of the CR Healthy Village Program - Green Wings, was also played at the venue. The heart-warming and enchanting melody brought us into a world full of love, and its lyrics imply that the program is like two spreading green wings, bringing health to vast rural areas with love, sowing the seeds of hope there, and waiting for the flowers of health to bloom. It is hoped that more nongovernmental entities will participate in the building of healthy villages across China.  

The CR Healthy Village Program will carry forward its cause and forge ahead into the future. It will work to raise the health awareness of the people in rural areas, and ensure that the local women, children, the elderly and their family members can enjoy medical services that are safer and of higher quality locally, thus guaranteeing their right to a healthy life and contributing to rural revitalization. 



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